Virtual Reality and Digital Design
Hangzhou Dianzi University
2022 Art, Culture, Science and Technology Development International Conference
“Geheimnis” - Interactions in Virtual Building Spaces
“Geheimnis” /ɡəˈhaɪmnɪs/ relates to our personal and secret sense-making of our reality. It is the exciting and magical discovery of aspects of connections and relationships to our environment. It is the pocket of security and wisdom that we share to strengthen bonds with friends. Geheimnis discusses our sense-making in virtuality, a place where we can share our magical and secret discoveries. A journey that will take us through Art, Technology, and Society. These demystify the intangible, notions of authenticity, the sensory and the sacred to lift the secret of how virtuality intersects with our reality which is both a unique and continuing realm.

16th FORUM8 Design Festival 3 Days + Eve
DARA will present its recent research in Tokyo, Japan, at the: “16th FORUM8 DESIGN FESTIVAL 2022 3 DAYS + Eve” on Thursday 17th November.
Details at: https://www.forum8.co.jp/fair/df/2022/day2-e.html
3 DARA Members present their project “HaloO City” at the “12th VR Design World Cup on Cloud VIRTUAL DESIGN WORLD CUP”
Details at: https://vdwc.forum8.co.jp/works_2022/VDWC2022-0036.pdf
WORLD16 will present their latest VR research: “Cooperation between VR and NFT” and “NFT content creation process for WRC”
Details at: https://www.forum8.co.jp/fair/df/2022/day2-e.html

DARA is expanding into NFT to authenticate and distribute digital assets. More details at DARA’s OpenSea’s platform:

Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa 2022
ARS Electronica: Garden Aotearoa 2022, in collaboration with Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria.
Details at: https://www.ars.nz/

2. Geheimnis – Art, Technology, Society
This session ‘Computer-aided Design’ focuses on research projects that utilise computers, both digital and analogue tools, in the creation, analysis, optimisation, and fabrication of design. It includes projects that looks at mass collaboration with decentralisation technologies, heritage preservation with automated workflow, comparative analysis between physical and immersive virtual environments, the use of machine learning and data segmentation in the analysis of street space qualities, research on digital fabrication and assembly with wood, and augmenting architecture design and production with holographic instructions. The projects will be discussed together with the presenters, postgraduate students, and invited guests, Prof. Rudi Stouffs, Prof. Yulun Zhou, Prof. Lei Zhang, Prof. Marc Aurel Schnabel, and Prof. Christiane M. HERR.

Virtual Futuna
“Virtual Futuna examines the photogrammetric documentation of heritage buildings and its potential application in research and public dissemination. The interior of New Zealand’s Futuna Chapel, a modernist masterpiece, was documented using photogrammetry to digitally stitch together 2D images to generate a 3D virtual reality model. An accessible and replicable process for documenting heritage buildings was developed, using only affordable consumer-level devices and applications. The resulting VR model now offers virtual visits to the chapel, and was used to research ways to make experiences of Futuna’s digital twin engaging and valuable. This work revealed that site-specific human stories could build connections between visitors and their virtual experiences of a heritage building. Virtual Futuna prototypes enable visitors to interact with stories from the chapel’s past in an immersive virtual environment and contribute their own Futuna experiences to a growing media archive.”

Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa
The Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa is a cyber-physical exhibition that creates a bi-directional portal to meet the technology scene of the south pacific. The Garden hosts performances, music events and prototypical installations, tours through research laboratories and visits to cultural sites and extraordinary landscapes.

Interaction in virtual building space: Design Parameters
International Faculty Development program from 5th July, 2021 to 10th July, 2021 at Chandigarh University, India.
Visit this link to take part

Final Year Thesis Jury - VIT Architecture
Professor Dr Marc Aurel Schnabel
Dean, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington, New Zealand
Studio: Dr.A.Madhumathi, VSPARC, VIT
09.15 am -14.30 pm IST
Briefing session on the Thesis Process by the Director Dr. Jaffer AA Khan, V-SPARC VIT
Meeting ID: 893 1902 9048 Passcode: 786794
Panel 1
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89319029048?pwd=RVh4d3pmTTBQR0NHdlpSc0p3MkIydz09 Meeting ID: 893 1902 9048 Passcode: 786794

Digital Thesis Symposium 2021 VUW UOA AUT
DARA Thesis Review in Auckland jointly with UoA and AUT

As part of the “International Faculty Exchange program (IFEP) from 18th January to 9th April 2021 at Chandigarh University, India., DARA is presenting at the Workshop on Parametric Design Approach in Architecture.

As part of the “International Faculty Exchange program (IFEP) from 18th January to 9th April 2021 at Chandigarh University, India., DARA is presenting at the Workshop on Parametric Design Approach in Architecture.

UNICITI: Third Way of Building Asian Cities
DARA will lead a research stream called “Parametric modelling for form-based approaches”.
DARA explores how computational form-based coding (FBC) is transformative to urban planning and development that focuses on livability, cultural richness and local contexts.

DARA will be presenting at:
Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method
The 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA) 2020

From November 18th – 20th FORUM8 will host The 14th FORUM8 Design Festival. This year’s event will be a hybrid event ..feel free to join the main event online, registration is now open!
DARA will present its work on its Visual Tea project and eye-tracking.

Interfaculty XR Collider is an annual event where we invite faculties across VUW to share research directions and opportunities for inter-faculty collaboration and industry engagement

V’ Interface design competition is inspired by the need to connect rural and urban context in terms of history, culture, people, and environment. China has recently put forward “rural revitalization” as one of its key development strategies, and local governments are vigorously implementing various strategies towards this context. There is, however, a gap in the use of creative means for such development. At the same time, the fast growth of technologies is causing a lot of craftsmanships to lose their inheritance. We want to gather designers from around the world to come together and think about how design can help rural revitalization in the current digital era.
The Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa is a cyber-physical exhibition that aims to create a bi-directional portal to meet New Zealand’s technologists, artists and University researchers. The Garden hosts performances and prototypical installations, tours through ateliers and research laboratories, as well as visits to cultural sites and extraordinary landscapes. The talk presents among others the artwork from our colleagues.

In this talk Tane Moleta, Senior Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Digital Design Technologies at Victoria University of Wellington, discusses An Architecture of the Sea, an interactive virtual exhibition involving writer Kerry Hines and artists Mizuho Nishioka and Wayne Barrar which was recently produced for ARS Electronica 2020

The fourth industrial revolution accelerated the integration of digital technologies into everyday objects, blurring the boundaries between physical and digital realms. Information technology and automation converge in innovative ways and change our surrounding environment. The physical domain is increasingly augmented by online connectivity, as we all experienced in recent months. We have “things” that measure and sense activities and changes, and broadcast them to the rest of the world via a network. We call this the “Internet of Things” (IoT).
While IoT is penetrating every aspect of our lives, we, the architects, are slow to respond to this challenge. Smart cities, smart homes and smart personal devices are surrounding us, but we have yet to create many examples of “smart spatial design” or “smart architecture”.
What would the world look like if walls, windows, building systems, building materials, spaces and surfaces were able to communicate with each other? How would this change the tradition of architecture? And what does it mean? What does it look like? What can it do? What can we, as architects, do?

We are editing a special issue of Heritage titled: "Smart Heritage" and inviting manuscripts. Smart technology and artificial intelligence are expanding into novel research and practical fields to create innovative solutions for society. Next in this evolutionary expansion is the heritage discipline, from which the convergence forms the unique Smart Heritage discourse. Smart Heritage is the convergence of autonomous and automatic technologies with the subjective processes associated with interpreting and valuing the past. Smart Heritage presents the opportunity to weave the contextual influence of heritage with the decentralised, technology-led mantra of smart technology. Significantly, Smart Heritage advances beyond Digital Heritage as it breaks with the conceptual confines of Digital Heritage, which emphasises the passivity of technology, in favour of an active curatorial role for smart technology. This innovation may lead Smart Heritage to become the new academic vanguard at the intersection of technology and heritage. This Special Issue provides a platform for examining, investigating, and proposing the convergence of smart technology and artificial intelligence with the heritage discipline.
*GEHEIMNIS - Art, Technology, society
“Geheimnis” /ɡəˈhaɪmnɪs/ relates to our personal and secret sense-making of our reality. It is the exciting and magic discovery of aspects of connections and relationships to our environment. It is the pocket of security and wisdom that one shares to strengthen bonds with friends. Geheimmis discusses our sense-making in virtuality, a place where we can share our magical and secret discoveries. A journey that will take us through Art, Technology, Society. These demystify the intangible, notions of authenticity, the sensory and the sacred to lift the secret of how virtuality intersects with our reality which is both a unique and continuing realm.

Visit DARA at Ars Electronica 9-13 September 2020
DARA is part of the Garden AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND
“Geheimnis” /ɡəˈhaɪmnɪs/ relates to our personal and secret sense-making of our reality. It is the exciting and magic discovery of aspects of connections and relationships to our environment. It is the pocket of security and wisdom that one share to strengthen bonds with friends. *Geheimmis presents our sense-making in virtuality, a place where we can share our magical and secret discoveries. The journey through *Geheimmis takes one through ten episodes. These demystify the intangible, notions of authenticity, the sensory and the sacred. We lift the secret of how virtuality intersects with our reality which is both a unique and continuing realm.

Immersive Legacies: 320 The Terrace is an exhibition that explores how New Zealand heritage can be captured digitally and disseminated through various evolving digital technologies. The Gordon Wilson Flats is used as a case study of Wellington modernist architecture with heritage value.

The Wellington Research Bazaar is hosting a Hyve-3D and Virtual Reality showcase at Te Aro Campus. Ongoing digital architecture research by the university will be disseminated through a virtual medium, exploring the possibilities of digital technologies.

DERIVE, a Tokyo based practice, recruit digital technologies to enhance and augment real spaces as part of their FUTURE CITIES series. The team aim to create immersive journeys and urban experiences using light and sound projections. The group will deliver a 3 hour interactive event in Lecture Theatre 1, Te Aro Campus on the 18th of June.

Converging realities is a one-day event that celebrates virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies. Join us for a series of exciting talks and demo’s.

24th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia
The territories of computational design are ever-changing and represent a substantial region that remains uncharted; one with expanding and permeable boundaries that continue to be fully breached. This ocean of opportunity implores researchers to embark on ambitious journeys of exploration. Undulating and temporal, computational design needs research that engages explicitly with the innovative, intelligent and informed exploitation of computational design, and with the array of computational technologies that the discipline may engage with.
Human intelligence and creativity deliver the hegemonic direction for the field of computer-mediated architectural design research; an area where the computational component is a core aspect of the investigation. The actors in this are both witness to, and instigators of, the exciting, consequent, well-founded research that continues to deliver new knowledge, insights and information.